Mojeek hit an important milestone this week as it announced the news that it has now indexed over 2 billion web pages. This momentous occasion means Mojeek is firmly established as one of the world’s largest web indexes.

Mojeek is also working to improve how it ranks its webpages via its search ranking algorithm. This will improve the quality of the search results and ensure the rankings are as effective as possible.

Developed by Marc Smith, Mojeek is a crawler-based search engine that aims to be the alternative search engine of choice. It offers users independent search results while protecting their privacy, leaving individuals to browse the web without being tracked by cookies. The project is funded by a number of private investors who emphasise the need for an alternative search engine.

Speaking about the milestone, Marc said: “We have worked hard to develop a search engine that provides independent and unbiased search results and is free from tracking. The GDPR deadline, along with filling our inbox with privacy policies, has brought into sharp focus ‘personal data’ and why we should all take more interest in protecting our right to privacy. Having built our technology from the ground up, and with a core principle of doing what’s right for the people that use Mojeek, means that we are able to offer people complete confidence that we take their privacy seriously, unlike many other global brands whose revenues are built on the value of consumer data.”

The world’s most used search engine, Google, is facing a £3.2 billion lawsuit in relation to a scandal where they allegedly tracked 4.4 million iPhone users’ browsing data without their consent or knowledge. Search engine users also run the risk of their browsing habits being shared with advertisers. Many people believe that the tracking of web activity is essential to making their search engine experience more tailored. But as Marc explains, this isn’t always the case.

“Unfortunately we have been led to believe that tracking is a good thing. That it enables our searches to be fine-tuned so they are more relevant to us. But the reality is, these trackers follow you around the web recording your every movement, which in some situations result in a worse search experience, by bombarding you with tailored ads, giving alternative pricing based on your purchase history, creating filter bubbles, and so much more. Mojeek gives people the opportunity to stand up for their privacy, but also to experience unique and unbiased results without somebody looking over their shoulder. And maybe most importantly, a choice, a genuine alternative to the large corporate search engines.”

Mojeek is a UK-based web crawler and search engine, with a focus on providing independent, alternative and unbiased search results.